A few shots from Jaclyn and Ebony's recent trip to the Oregon Coast.
Although I have only been in Oregon for a couple of weeks, I already feel that this is home. Everyone has some measure that indicates when a house (or in this case apartment) becomes a home; for me, it is refrigerator magnets. Now that my fridge is covered, I am home.
I just officially relinquished my New Hampshire driver’s license for an Oregon one. I never thought I would go to school on the West Coast, but when I flew out to visit Lewis and Clark, it was love at first sight. I got greeted by dogs! And their proud guardians! What better place to study animal law than at a school where most everyone loves dogs?!
My dog whom I’ve had for almost 12 years sadly stayed at home with my family, but last week I welcomed Ebony into my home. Ebony is a gorgeous 10-month lab mix, and why anyone would not want this dog is completely befuddling to me, because she is the sweetest, most loving dog on the coast (I am not biased, of course). So now I have magnets on the fridge and a dog at my feet – I just need to join a choir and a synagogue, and my life will be complete.
And, as at the beginning of every new season, I’ve made a list of goals that always seem hardest to fulfill: eat dinner at the kitchen table every night with nothing in front of me but my food, try at least one new recipe every month, go for a run with my dog every day, actually frequent the gym I just joined and maybe even join a fitness class to have some accountability, sing whenever I am stressed, read a few pages of something for pleasure every night before I sleep, and start each day with a smile.
Jaclyn Leeds
J.D. Candidate 2013
Lewis & Clark Law School